"Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum, fotografo della fotografia \"Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum , Italian, 16th century. School of Bergamo (?). Head of a girl wearing a crown (St. Catherine?)\""@it . "Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum, photographer of photograph \"Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum , Italian, 16th century. School of Bergamo (?). Head of a girl wearing a crown (St. Catherine?)\""@en . "Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum, fotografo della fotografia \"Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum , Italian, 16th century. School of Bergamo (?). Head of a girl wearing a crown (St. Catherine?)\""@it . "Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum, photographer of photograph \"Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum , Italian, 16th century. School of Bergamo (?). Head of a girl wearing a crown (St. Catherine?)\""@en . . . .