"Hymers, Robert Patterson, fotografo della fotografia \"Hymers, Robert Patterson , St. Luke painting the Virgin. With the Infant standing beside Her by Benvenuto Tisi (called Garofalo)\""@it . "Hymers, Robert Patterson, photographer of photograph \"Hymers, Robert Patterson , St. Luke painting the Virgin. With the Infant standing beside Her by Benvenuto Tisi (called Garofalo)\""@en . "Hymers, Robert Patterson, fotografo della fotografia \"Hymers, Robert Patterson , St. Luke painting the Virgin. With the Infant standing beside Her by Benvenuto Tisi (called Garofalo)\""@it . "Hymers, Robert Patterson, photographer of photograph \"Hymers, Robert Patterson , St. Luke painting the Virgin. With the Infant standing beside Her by Benvenuto Tisi (called Garofalo)\""@en . . . .