"Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Photographic Studios, fotografo della fotografia \"Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Photographic Studios , Holy Family in a Landscape. Attr. to Cesare Da Sesto. Milanese 1470-1524\""@it . "Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Photographic Studios, photographer of photograph \"Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Photographic Studios , Holy Family in a Landscape. Attr. to Cesare Da Sesto. Milanese 1470-1524\""@en . "Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Photographic Studios, fotografo della fotografia \"Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Photographic Studios , Holy Family in a Landscape. Attr. to Cesare Da Sesto. Milanese 1470-1524\""@it . "Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Photographic Studios, photographer of photograph \"Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery Photographic Studios , Holy Family in a Landscape. Attr. to Cesare Da Sesto. Milanese 1470-1524\""@en . . . .