"Scatto (immagine) della fotografia \"Yale University Art Gallery , Sienese School (Italian, in the manner of Sodoma, late 15th or early 16th century). Christ Bearing the Cross\""@it . "Shot of \"Yale University Art Gallery , Sienese School (Italian, in the manner of Sodoma, late 15th or early 16th century). Christ Bearing the Cross\""@en . "Scatto (immagine) della fotografia \"Yale University Art Gallery , Sienese School (Italian, in the manner of Sodoma, late 15th or early 16th century). Christ Bearing the Cross\""@it . "Shot \"Yale University Art Gallery , Sienese School (Italian, in the manner of Sodoma, late 15th or early 16th century). Christ Bearing the Cross\""@en . . . .