. . . . . . "Hobbs, Sherley , The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, David and Bathsheba. Attri. to Sisto Badalocchio" . "F Entry, \"Hobbs, Sherley , The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, David and Bathsheba. Attri. to Sisto Badalocchio\""@en . "Scheda F, \"Hobbs, Sherley , The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, David and Bathsheba. Attri. to Sisto Badalocchio\""@it . "F Entry \"Hobbs, Sherley , The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, David and Bathsheba. Attri. to Sisto Badalocchio\""@en . "Scheda F \"Hobbs, Sherley , The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, David and Bathsheba. Attri. to Sisto Badalocchio\""@it . . . . . . . . . . . . .