. . . . . "Anonimo , Gianpietrino. Madonna with Infant John. School of Milan. Active first of 16th century" . . . . "F Entry, \"Anonimo , Gianpietrino. Madonna with Infant John. School of Milan. Active first of 16th century\""@en . . "Scheda F \"Anonimo , Gianpietrino. Madonna with Infant John. School of Milan. Active first of 16th century\""@it . . . . . . . "F Entry \"Anonimo , Gianpietrino. Madonna with Infant John. School of Milan. Active first of 16th century\""@en . . . "Scheda F, \"Anonimo , Gianpietrino. Madonna with Infant John. School of Milan. Active first of 16th century\""@it . .